Individual Treatment

I have post-graduate training in psychodynamic psychotherapy with individuals from the Psychoanalytic Training Institute of New York Counseling and Guidance Service. Whether our individual work looks like coaching or looks like long term exploration will be determined by your goals.
Individual Treatment


As a therapist, I strive to foster a creative space in which to explore your concerns. I am comfortable exploring the “depths” of individuals; that which is merely hinted at, but might require a bit of play to uncover.

At the same time, I am also squarely attuned to reality, and endeavor to help my clients clear away obstacles to their personal growth. If a symptom is in the way of that growth, we will attack it together. If we are successful, you can move on quickly; I do not believe that treatment has to be interminable to be effective.

If, on the other hand, you find therapy to be a valuable ongoing venue for trying out new ideas, I am comfortable in the capacity of advisor with deep knowledge of your personal history, and the changes you make over time.

Is it time to start working on some of your concerns?

Call me and I’ll be happy to speak to you.